Biogenics® Bacton N

BIOGENICS Bacton N is a bio-fertilizer based on the selective strains of nitrogen-fixing bacteria Azotobactor. It is a free living nitrogen fixing bacteria, lives freely in the soil and multiples by making use of the organic matter, as the source of carbon (energy) for its growth and existence. Through the process of biological nitrogen fixation, it fixes the atmospheric nitrogen and makes it available to the plants in an easily assimilable and utilizable form.

Contents :

Nitrogen Fixing strains of Azotobacter 

Benefits :

  • Enhances nutrient uptake.
  • Sustainable supply of nitrogen
  • Reduction 20 to 30 % in use of nitrogenous chemical fertilizers
  • Development of white roots.
  • Improves size and quality of yield and fruit.
  • Stabilizes soil aggregates.
  • Higher yield and productivity.
  • Maintain soil fertility
  • It enhances root proliferation by release of growth promoting hormones.
  • Safe, Non toxic, and Eco-friendly
  • Continuous fixation and supply of Organic Nitrogen